Short Sale Blog

How do I know a Short Sale is Right for Me?
Photographer: Eric Muhr | Source: UnsplashIs a short sale a good…

Four Things You Should Know About the Short Sale Process
Banks don't want to lose money. The bank is absolutely…

A Short Sale Isn’t the End of The Road; Things to Look Forward To
When the housing bubble burst in 2008, it was a very dark period…

Commercial Real Estate Loans 101: Everything You Need to Know
You’re driving home from work one day and you see it!

5 Reasons a Short Sale is Your Best Option
Often people hear about the concept of a short sale and think…

How to Get the Best Deal When Negotiating a Short Sale
Within the first six months of 2018, over 300,000 United States…

7 Mistakes Buyers Make When Buying a Foreclosed Home
You're ready to buy your dream home and want to get the most…
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